Take THAT, Vince Carter!
Wednesday evening I went to a basketball game with my pal Maria. She got 4 $200 seats. (Row 5!) Amazingly, she asked me to invite 2 other people. At first I couldn’t find anyone to go, and then all of a sudden four could go all at once. Jeez, people! I had to break my pal, Tom’s li’l heart and I turned down a guy from my office. In the end I went with Maria, Greg (the biggest Raptors fan I know) (wait, the only one) and my little brother, Jesse. We had a super blast!
How much do I love/hate that the menu says “When ready to order, please wave this menu to attract the attention of your server.” Gross! It would be much more entertaining if the menu was printed on the side of a flare gun.
This weekend is my Boy’s 32nd birthday. How adorable is it that he wanted to go to Spadina House?! (pronounced Spadeena) If you don’t know what Spadina House is, look it up and go. It’s lovely.
That’s about all I’ve got for now. I hope this was enough, Naked Knitress! Hee hee…