jude par Jude

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Freeze Tag!

How sad did it make me on Monday to sit in a lush, green park across the street from the kids of an elementary school running around their very hot looking concrete playground? Very sad.

I grew up with a concrete playground that was supposed to be turned into a wilderness garden. They tore up the concrete, but then a few years later all the parents running the project graduated with their grade 6's and that was the end of that.

Why do we deprive our children of basic things like plants, shade and dirt?

I miss playing in the sandbox. Nothing better than spending recess digging a hole. Well, maybe freeze tag. Or kissing tag.


At 31/5/06 10:22 PM, Blogger spezbaby said...

Concrete playgrounds are stupid.

Trees are more fun than jungle jims anyday.

At 1/6/06 11:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ooohhh... TV Tag was a good one too!

At 1/6/06 1:31 PM, Blogger Miss Julia J said...

Trees are where its at. There used to be these two HUGE trees in my school's back playground. (Ossington Old Orchard-on Ossington S of College) You know, the kind of tree that takes a few people linking arms to get around. The kind of tree that dwarfs a house. Apparently a branch fell off one and crushed a blessedly empty baby carriage. They cut both trees down. I felt a deep emptiness inside the first time I walked through the playground afterwards.

At 1/6/06 5:53 PM, Blogger Kim Carter said...

one word. money. money and maintenance...sorry, that's two. we are a lazy materialistic society. why would we want to spend money on enriching our childrens lives when we could have all the fake prada purses we can get our hands on? Kids are just going to grow up anyways, what good is spending time, money and effort on something so fleeting when you can be shopping at Sephora?


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